Letter From Our Founder, J. “WildFlower” Devereaux

Aloha and thank you for taking a moment to see what WildFlower Mystical Entertainment is all about! I may be from Minnesota, but myself and my staff are inspired by the Aloha Spirit. In fact, Inspiration, is what we are all about here at WildFlower Mystical Entertainment (WME).


The demand for mystical entertainment has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade and I am happy to present you with some easy and professional ways to be able to add a touch of magic and mystery to your special casino events.


As an event planner, it can be challenging to come up with unique ideas for events, not only for large events that you may host, but also at smaller private parties and more intimate occastions….and that’s where we come in.


We provide Certified Professional Psychics (through our WildFlower Party Psychics Division), as well as all different kinds of mystical entertainment like Henna Artists, Temporary Tattoo Artists, Face Painters and more for special events across the Midwest, as well as in our main service hubs in major US cities like Minneapolis, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and beyond.


You may be wondering who I am and what qualifies me as being able to provide these services…. Great question! My name is WildFlower and I have been in the event and entertainment industry since I started dancing on stage at the age of 5. I was raised in an entertainment centered household and my father was a professional jazz musician. I followed in the musical footsteps and am also a recording artist myself.


I started working behind the scenes, producing my own spiritual conferences in 2002 at the Minneapolis Learning Annex and quickly became the Top Executive Producer Of Local Events in Minneapolis with my events drawing in more people than any other events that the organization put on. We even had standing room only events on many occasions. You see, I was also born as a natural Psychic Medium, which is why I steered my conference production towards the spiritual realm.


Through my conference production, I learned 3 things.


  1. That there are truly talented psychics and mystical entertainers out there, but the trick is in weeding out the fakes, and since I was born as a Psychic Medium, I know how to tell the difference.
  2. There is a HUGE DEMAND for spiritual and mystical centered entertainment.
  3. That as an Executive Producer, I had the ability to organize the staff and steer  the events towards a successful outcome of “creating inspiration for guests”, which quite simply put, is “making guests happy and creating memorable event experiences”.


And that brings us to today. I have taken my years of working on stage as an entertainer and event host, as well as my years of producing events behind the scenes and molded it into a company that I call WildFlower Mystical Entertainment.. I founded WME in 2002, at the same time that I opened up my Spiritual Education Center, WildFlower Institute and started producing spiritual events.


Now, to be honest with you, our demand for providing spiritual entertainment at parties and special events was just a trickle back then in 2002, when there was not as much of a movement towards exploring the possibilities that there is more to life than what you can see with your 2 eyes, but I held steady, because I had a sense that someday the world would be ready for something more, a way to really look more deeply into the spiritual realms and look beyond to the other side for answers to some of the things that cannot be explained away with logic. And now, the world is ready for this.


With the ever growing popularity of movies and books like the Harry Potter series, Marvel Comics Movies and tv shows like Ghost Whisperer, Ancient Aliens, Ghost Hunters, as well as popular reality shows about the everyday lives of psychics like Long Island Medium, it has given permission for the average person to explore the spiritual and mystical realms in ways that previously were disregarded as “weird”.


There is a new social acceptance for exploring the realms of the mystica that has been blossoming over the past decadel and now, people are actually demanding more opportunities to explore their own spiritual nature everyday. And that’s where WildFlower Mystical Entertainment comes in. I created this company to bring inspiration to the masses and with our Certified Professional Psychics and Certified Professional Mystical Entertainment Staff, we get to do that everyday!


As an event producer, I know that the number 1 thing that you want your event to be is MEMORABLE.


What I always say is this:Guests don’t remember events, they remember “EXPERIENCES”.


Because events are NOT memorable to guests unless they have an EXPERIENCE at it..


You want your guests to enjoy themselves, have a wonderful time and have an EXPERIENCE that they will remember, that is the key to creating a memorable event. In order for your guest to have an experience, they must be engaged with the environment.


And that is what we are all about here at WildFlower Mystical Entertainment, turning events info experiences that guests will remember forever.

From our “Signature Sintilation Inspiration Psychic Readings” to Mystical Body Art Painters, to Event Production and Event Planning, to Marketing and Graphics Creation, we help to engage event guests on every level so that the moment they step into the room, they feel magically transformed, as though they have stepped into another world. A world where anything is possible.

Just look at how many children believe in fairy tales and how many adults visit Disneyland and watch the Harry Potter movies and read the books, it’s a crystal clear indication that people get bored with the mundane monotony of everyday life. They want magical experiences to help awaken their sense of wonder and make them feel inspired again.

They want to feel like Cinderella when she enters the ball or Harry Potter when he’s playing in a Quidditch Match.They want permission to escape the everyday ordinary and step into the realms of the extra-ordinary.  And inspiration is key!

I cannot even begin to tell you how many people have come up to me throughout the years to tell me that an experience that they had at one of my events that I produced, or with a psychic reading that either myself or my staff did for them, changed their life for the better, gave them hope for a brighter future and really helped them to see things from a different perspective.


In fact, at one of my recent events, an event manager, whom I had done a psychic reading for at one of the events that I provided readings for, came up to me at another event, 3 months later, and the first words out of her mouth were “I love you times 12!” I motioned for her to sit down and tell me all about what happened since I saw her at that first event.

She went on to explain that she took my advice about a topic that we had discussed during her initial reading and how my words really helped her to see that she had more power in her life than she previously thought she had, and that what she did was to make some small adjustments in her life so that she could really reclaim her power. And by doing that, she started to feel more empowered within herself, rather than allowing the circumstances in her life continue to make her feel powerless. Because that night that she had that reading with me, she had an experience. One that she said, she will remember forever.


And that is how WildFlower Mystical Events has become the leading provider of mystical entertainment in the US, by inspiring 1 guest at a time.


Feel free to browse our event entertainment options below to get some ideas on how we can help you make your next event be a memorable experience by adding some of our Certified Professional Psychic Readers from our WildFlower Party Psychics Division and Mystical Body Art providers to help to engage guests in a uniquely inspired way. Or, if you would like to chat about how we could help create an entire event experience for you, which includes creating a customized event ambiance like draperies, table-settings, flower arrangements and more, that help your guests feel like they have truly stepped into another world the moment they enter the room, we could schedule a meeting to chat about creating one of our Signature Mystical Events at your party or special event, either by providing event planning services or overseeing the entire event production, from conception to wrap-up.

Blessings, WildFlower